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The Whitworth Gallery

Moving slightly away from the literature theme my blog has so far taken, to an adventure around Manchester.

The Whitworth -1

The main port of call is the newly reopened and refurbished Whitworth Gallery, after its closed doors of the past two years it’s no wonder I could both hear and see the fireworks on its opening night. With the space bright and open, it’s an inviting mix of the old 19th century red brick to the great glass walls giving a largely modern feel. This theme follows through inside, most prominently in the portraits gallery, the modern and contemporary mixed with tradition portraiture. Although on first impression there is almost too much to look at, by having such contrasts surrounding each piece, it’s individual and distinctiveness arrises on its own. However these were by far not my favourites pieces, I’ve learnt I prefer more interactive art something to really study, explore and discover within.

The Whitworth -2Cold Dark Matter (pictured above) proves this the most, with a literal explosion of objects, meaning and interpretation awaiting each new visitor. Then the distribution of shadows makes the whole thing expand, I also enjoyed the room filled with the out cuts of poppies, echoing the lives lost after this centenary year. Something so small, but equally effective. A collection of embroiled definitions (pictured left) also fascinated me, viewing contrasts as a part of one another and placing the question if one can function without the other. I was also quite pleased my linguistic skills meant I could read the phonetic transcription.

There is much more to be explored, although the exhibitions don’t take long to go around, I’d be impressed if you’re able to fill half a day here. With a light and bright café, serving an array of food, lunch may help pad out an afternoon. Other then that with a disappointingly small shop it’s worth a visit; just be aware two hours may be its limit.

The Whitworth -3          The Whitworth -4

The Whitworth           The Whitworth

The Whitworth Gallery is situated on Oxford Road, Manchester.